Children’s progress is consistently monitored, assessed and records are maintained. If a child needs to improve his/her performance, parents will be consulted and proper follow-up measures will be taken.

Continuous evaluation of the student’s performance is made possible by the way of Class test, Unit test, Assignments and Project work. Records of the student’s progress throughout the year are sent to the parents at the end of each test in the form of reports. Parents are suggested to meet the teachers concerned to discuss their pupils’ progress from time to time.
Personal attention is given to every student by maintaining a harmonious teacher-student ratio. Remedial Classes for slow learners are conducted everyday in the evening.
Medical Care
Healthy body promotes a sound mind. Regular medical checkups are organised by the school to ensure good health and well being of the students. Physical fitness and oral hygiene camps are an integral part of our health education.
Parents should inform the school authorities regarding children with physical disabilities. All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children.
- Maintain personal hygiene such as trimming of nails/hair and being neat on regular basis.
- Exercise regularly.
- Sleep at least eight hours daily.
- Have a balanced diet, nutritionally rich in proteins and milk.
- Drink water, which is boiled or filtered.
- Avoid consumption of ice creams, other milk products and eatables from roadside vendors and kiosks.
- All children should also be:
- Dewormed at least once every year, on the advice of family physician.
- Have a dental and ophthalmic check-up once every year by a well qualified dental surgeon and ophthalmologist.
Students suffering from infectious diseases such as Conjunctivitis, Dermatitis, and Scabies etc. should not be sent to school until they have fully recovered.